The Next Day Jack.C Copyrighted |
Part of My Work There:
Waves that crash against
the rocks that lie in the shore
like any other day
The sun shines today
transforming the sky to gold
that shines all day
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The towering pitch black trees that don't allow any light to pass them. They are like a giant shadowy wall that borders the channel of water that splits Bamfield in half. The water is calm, so calm that not even a wave has splashed onto the rocky shorelines, only ripples passing through like a rock was just dropped. The big vast ocean that spreads out in all directions endlessly, frozen as it looks like at the chilly wintery night. The waters just gave a blank reflection of what was in the dark gloomy sky.
The dark sky that doesn't seem to end, covering the whole land like a giant blanket, but with light showing here and there. The lights were never strong enough to pass through the giant star covered blanket, but they were strong enough to show through the dark gloomy trees that surrounded the Vancouver Island, where Bamfield was created. Those lights were not natural, but belonged to the houses that were built there. The night got chillier as it dragged on. No one has said a word, when they entered the porch of the newly built Rix Center, only the voice of the teacher was heard. This will be the quietest night that Bamfield will ever have with students.